Live Tarot Course:

Getting Intimate with Tarot 


6 week course 1pm EST, 7pm CET


What can Tarot help you with?

The Tarot is made up of 78 cards, each one representing a different archetype, from the Empress (maternal abundance) to the Tower (catastrophe and change). Drawing from these archetypes and reflecting on their various significations is a way to get clarity around romance, work, family, and friends. This course will  focus on how to use Tarot as a daily ritual not only to learn about the cards themselves but how you can employ them as tools for understanding Self and Other. 

What will I learn?


-The history of the tarot. 
-How to choose a deck. 
-How to care for your cards. 
-How to set an intention to learn the tarot 
-Develop a daily practice that will help you get there.


-A comprehensive guide to each Tarot Card


-Tailoring Techniques: My step-by-guide to bypassing mistakes 


Learn all about each elements of the Tarot and how to connect more deeply with your intuition 

Class 1

The Major Arcana from the Fool to the Wheel of Fortune. Learn the meaning of the first sequence of the Major Arcana and how it represents your inner journey from wild abandon to an encounter with Fate.

Class 2 

The Major Arcana from Justice to The World. Learn how the Tarot represents your outer journey and relationships.

Class 3

The Suit of Wands. The element of Fire. Your passion and energy

The suit of wands is connected to the element of fire. Consider this element when you are working with wands; it is temperamental, volatile, and full of energy.

The suit of wands is the source for all energy, it symbolizes human willpower. In a tarot reading, the suit of wands often represent a person's creative potential, and can suggest themes of creative projects, inspiration, and on's drive.

Class 4

The Suit of Cups. The element of Water. Your feelings, intuition and emotional connections.

They are connected to the element of water. When you think about this suit, think about this element. Water can be a gentle, bubbling stream, or a tidal wave.

The suit of cups are an intuitive, emotional suit. In a tarot reading, they often represent one's emotional states, and can refer to people, relationships, and how you react towards others and your environment.

Class 5

The Suit of Pentacles. The element of Earth. Your finances, career, material and earthly aspects.

Earth is tactile, earthy and tangible. It creates the foundation from which we can grow and develop. Earth is grounded, stable, supportive and fertile.

Class 6 

The Suit of Swords. The element of Air. Your intellect, thoughts and actions.

Air is intangible and unseen, but also in constant movement. Air can be still and mostly unnoticed, to becoming a breeze or a fierce wind. It is powerful yet refreshing and cleansing. Symbolically, the air element relates to knowledge, action, power, and change. 

This course includes:

+ 6 live classes

+ Small intimate classes 

+Access to the recording if you can't attend live.

+A special study guide containing all notes and slides from the 6 classes.

+The chance to book a half-price 1-hour reading with me ($90 discount) 

Ready to learn the beautiful art of learning tarot?